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THIS IS IT - THE BEST CAVIAR IN THE WORLD!  Masha Moro Caviar is delighted to offer the only PURE BELUGA CAVIAR (Huso Huso) available anywhere in the U.S.  In 2005, all Beluga caviar imports into the U.S. were banned due to the massive decline in their Caspian Sea wild population. Now, due to the incredible efforts by the team at Marky's Sturgeon Aquafarms in Bascom, Florida, REAL Beluga Caviar is finally legally available for sale in the U.S. 


Beluga caviar is incredible.  It has large light-gray grains with buttery, creamy, and nutty flavors that provide a unique full-flavored aftertaste. It has the most delicate and largest size eggs of all sturgeon, with eggs that provide an incredible pop. Its a decadent addition to any meal! 


Beluga Caviar (Huso Huso) by Sturgeon Aquafarms:

  • Farmed-raised
  • Origin: Florida (Sturgeon Aquafarms)
  • Large firm beads: Grade (00)
  • Light gray color with a black tint
  • Fine, smooth, delicate texture
  • Notes of a nutty, creamy, and buttery flavor
  • Excellent served alone, solely on a mother of pearl spoon


Sturgeon Aquafarms, was founded in 2003 with the intent to provide Beluga, Sevruga and Sterlet sturgeon for the world market. In 2005, our focus quickly expanded, as CITES and the UN closed exports from the Caspian Sea and the United States prohibited imports of Beluga products. As the only company currently in possession of these critically endangered species in this hemisphere, we have a unique position not only in the United States, but also globally, due to our successful breeding methods. Our focus has now grown to include assisting in re-population efforts, the transfer of technology through joint international agreements. and the development of successful captive breeding techniques for these unique species.

100% Pure Beluga, USA

  • Florida, (USA) 

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